Sunday, October 15, 2017

A unique pain. A rainbow of hope.

This is going to be raw, emotional, and a little blunt for some of you.

I am “1 in 4”  I had two miscarriages last year.  Back to back.  One in the fall.  The physical recovery took a few weeks.  Second one started in December and took an entire MONTH to get over physically….it was the worst “happiest time of the year” of my life.

Both miscarriages were "blighted ovums".  If you don't know that term, it's when you get pregnant, but only a sac develops.  You never develop a baby, but since a sac developed, your body thinks you're pregnant and you have pregnancy symptoms, and usually don't find out about the miscarriage until you go in for your first doctor appointment and only see an empty ultrasound.  With both miscarriages, I had to take medication to move the process along to clear my body of the sac.  From here, I went on to have some blood work done by my doctor and I found out I have the mthfr gene mutation, where I don't process folic acid properly and need to be on a "super dose" of the B vitamins on top of regular prenatals any time I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant. This condition is genetic and can cause tiny blood clots not harmful to me, but probably the reason for the miscarriages.  So, I'm also on low dose aspirin to thin my blood a little.  Had no idea of this during my pregnancy with our first little one.  Everything was perfect with her...So she's basically a miracle baby who could've been cut off by a blood clot (I've read hooror stories of this happening at 39 first was born at 39 weeks and 1 day!) or developed something like spina bifida in the womb from not getting the folic acid she needed.

I hope this was helpful to anyone who has had a miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages without getting any explanations. 

But more than that, I hope this was a reminder and lesson for some of you that you never know what someone is going through.  Just because one baby was easy to carry, does NOT mean the next one is/will be.

A lesson for some of you that a question like “When are you having a/another baby?”  is never appropriate no matter how well you think you know someone.  If it is a habit of yours to ask women of child-bearing age a question like that, take it COMPLETELY out of all conversations…and don’t go behind her back and ask her mother or sibling either.

A pregnancy is usually announced by the mother and father to be.  So, WHY the HECK would you think a mother or sibling would announce that to you?  Nosey much?  You made my mother feel so uncomfortable.

A lesson for some of you to not be so tactless.  If a friend JUST shared with you that she is in the physical recovery process of a miscarriage, don’t walk up all giddy only a few days later while she is STILL recovering physically to share your pregnancy news…especially if you are only 5-6 weeks along and won’t be showing for weeks.  We won’t even get into the emotional recovery from a miscarriage because that is different for everyone.

A lesson for some of you to let the one who has had the miscarriage direct any conversations about the miscarriage.  When she says she doesn’t want to share anymore, do not ask her in a public place how “the medicine is working” a few days later.  Or when she wants to try for another pregnancy.  Your curiosity is irrelevant.

A lesson for some you that if a friend who has had miscarriages gets other bad news, don’t tell her about your pregnancy the VERY next day.  Just wait a little longer. 

We are very excited for our pregnant friends, but that doesn’t stop us from feeling like we’re “falling behind” or keep us from thinking about our baby that would’ve been due around the same time as yours and how the two would’ve grown up together and been best buds.  So just be a little more considerate PLEASE.

Have you ever walked into an ultrasound expecting to see a little peanut, but instead there is absolutely nothing there?

Have you ever woken up in a panic because by now you are supposed to have a huge belly with a life kicking and swimming inside, but you feel empty and numb?

Or woken up in a panic because your due date has passed so you should be hearing a crying baby in the middle of the night?

Have you ever wondered if your body is ever going to do what it was created to do?

Have you ever felt so guilty because you don’t have the physical or emotional energy to be there for your husband or other child in the way they need you…for months on end?

Or been made to feel guilty because you should “be grateful for the child you DO have” or “God will give you another one when He thinks you’re ready”?

If you answered “No” to most of these, then you cannot understand the pain.  So, take all these lessons to heart.

**If these sound very specific, then, yes, you guessed it.  Pretty much all of these actually happened to me**  So many people do not think before they speak.

What should you say?  “I’ll be praying for you.”  If you can relate, “I understand.  I’ve been there too.”  “Can I bring your family dinner some day this week?”  “If you want to talk about it anytime, I’m here.”  Then, leave. it. at. that.  If we want to share more, we will.  If not, NO QUESTIONS.  It’s our journey, not yours. 

If you got through all of this, thank you, my friend.  We are 16 weeks pregnant now and so very excited.  It was kinda bittersweet that I made our social media announcement of this rainbow baby exactly one year to the day after we announced our first miscarriage.  I still get so nervous at every appointment that something will be wrong when it’s time to hear the heartbeat or see the ultrasound.  We want this new baby to have a meaning of hope and goodness in his or her name because the HOPE in The Lord's GOODNESS that I had seen before was sometimes the only thing that gave me strength to get out of bed for my husband and little girl.  Please, PLEASE pray for a perfectly healthy pregnancy and sibling for our sweet little girl.  Thank you all so much.

To my sweet friends who have experienced what I have.  I pray for you.  I know what it's like.  I hope you can see The Lord's goodness. 


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