Saturday, January 31, 2015

The last 8 months...

As I am about to start the last month of my pregnancy before we meet our baby girl, I have been reflecting on the last 8 months…

I will never plan a road trip in the mountains during the first trimester of a pregnancy again.

I will always have protein in my belly before I take those ridiculously huge prenatal vitamins every day…and keep peanut butter by my bed in case I need a little extra to get to sleep or to get out of bed without feeling nauseous (both have happened). 

Most preggos talk about the cute little baby hiccups they feel, instead I was the one with hiccups at least every other day during some of my 2nd trimester.  Up until around 7 months, I only felt baby hiccups once.  Then, she started getting them in the middle of the night after I woke up to use the restroom lol

Also, most preggos talk about the crazy dreams they have.  The only weird dream I had was before we found out baby is a girl…I was going around to everyone insisting that we name him Tyson (not even one of the names on our list).  However, the Hubs had some crazy dreams for me…usually involving guns haha!

If I ever want to feel her kick, all I have to do is drink sweet tea from Chickfila.  She gets real excited/hyper…of course, my child would love Chickfila ;-)

Also, of course, our first child would be due on Texas Independence Day ;-)

I miss alcohol and sushi more than I thought I would.... And I don't even drink that much when I'm not pregnant, but a glass of wine or a cool drink when we were in Hawaii was definitely missed!

That moment Hubs heard her heartbeat and saw her moving on the ultrasound for the first time…you could just see in his eyes how REAL it finally was.  Also, the same date he started writing his speech for all the boys that will one day be interested in his little girl…

Last month, Hubs was reading us a Christmas devotional when baby girl started kicking like crazy. It was so was as if she was excited to recognize her daddy's voice and wanted to praise Jesus with us!  Already a DADDY'S GIRL!

It is fun to get her to react to a flashlight in a dark room (around 27 weeks babies can start telling whether it is light or dark outside of the womb) and have her kick my stomach so hard that she looks like an alien…Hubby’s reaction- wide-eyed “Whoooa!”

I never knew you could worry so much about someone you haven’t even met yet.

Cats get even weirder when your body is carrying another human being.  Dogs get more protective.

Sorry if this is awkward, but it’s still funny…First, know that I have never wanted one anyway, but after pregnancy I know I absolutely, positively NEVER want a boob job.  SO. HEAVY.  Ohmygosh.  Haha.

I cannot multitask when I’m pregnant, especially if one of those tasks is me talking to someone.  Probably the most embarrassing “pregnancy brain” moment I had was while talking to my mom on the phone, I was also looking at a high school buddy’s facebook page when I realized that I couldn’t see anything on his page, except his profile picture and a “happy birthday” comment from me months earlier.  I immediately sent him a “what the crap?!” message asking why he had deleted me!!  He had no idea what I was talking about, and had had some family drama so decided to hide most of his facebook announcements just so nosey people didn’t always know exactly what he was up to…this is the same friend who bought us a random Christmas gift a few months later I had registered for for baby girl….I have really sweet friends lol.

And last, I’m still completely blown away by the love and support from so many friends and family.  Whether you gave me maternity clothes so that I didn’t have to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe, sent random gifts, came to one of my showers, or just told me I was cute when I feel like a HIPPOPOTAMUS, thank you so very much.  I can’t wait for you all to meet my precious little one.


Leslie (and baby girl)