Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Delight in one another

I talk about motherhood a lot on this blog because that's the stage of life I'm in right now, but I care very deeply about other things, especially relationships with friends, no matter what stage of life we’re all in.  And this is an interesting thing I've been noticing lately-

You know those friends that are pretty good at deserting you when you're going through hard times? (or at least don't know how to deal with it /be a good friend) Anybody have the opposite happen? Like do you have a friend that doesn't seem to be around or know how to celebrate with you in your joys and good times?

I don't know if it's the fact that I'm almost 30 and I am learning how to be a friend during motherhood, but I just don't feel like dealing with this kind of pettiness at this point.  Now, as an adult and a mom, I know how hard it can be to keep up with people.  Life is crazy.  Life is busy.  For EVERYONE.  I can go months without having a long conversation with a friend to catch up (although if years go by of me being the only one to initiate a conversation, I will eventually stop trying) and when we do catch up, we pick right back up where we left off.  But if you only really speak up or pay attention to my life when I am going through something rough, but the rest of the time ignore my good moments, joys, and celebrations...that makes me figure that you only want to see me go through hard times, whether that's your intention or not.  All it does to me is make you look either very petty or jealous.

Anybody else have this happen to you?  How do you (personally) deal with someone like that?

I started noticing a pattern where certain people very rarely tried to keep up with me or encouraged me until something went wrong in my life (examples- went months without hearing from them unless I initiated until my sister's accident last year or my health problems in the fall.  Then, they responded and showed sympathy, but as soon as those situations ended, I haven’t heard from them since)  At our age and stage in life, part time friends is sometimes all we can be.  Someone recently asked  "Why be my Facebook friend if we never talk?"  And I responded, "Because people's lives go in different directions and for us right now it means putting our 2 year old before friendships sometimes, but we still like to keep up with our friends as long as they can be understanding of that fact..."

I don't have a problem with "part time" friends as that's kinda what I'm having to be right now, but when it becomes very clear that you are ignoring me until it suits you for me to be in your life, that's when I just wanna be like "Bye Felicia!" because I am too old for girl drama and pettiness.  PLUS, my daughter watches how I carry out friendships with my girl-friends and I think it’s important for her to see women lifting each other up in the good AND bad, laughing AND crying, celebrating AND grieving.  And if a woman can’t do both with you, learning to walk away from them.

It makes me think of this quote from Matt Chandler-
"He forms this body of believers and so that in that we care for the good of one another. And we do that in multiple ways. One, we delight in one another. Like, your strengths are a delight to me! I’m praying that my strengths are a delight to you. We are not threatened by each other’s strengths. We delight in it. You are not me. I am not you. We are different.
We don’t look at other people’s gifts with jealousy. We exalt that God has gifted them like that. And we are grateful that we become better, we become stronger, we know The Lord more deeply because of the gifts given to them.
We delight in one another by spending time together. From my family to my friends, there are few things that bring me joy like good company."

Friends, I delight in you.  I hope you can delight in me too.  If not, something is not right in one of our hearts.


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