Whether you’re a working momma or stay at home momma of littles, this is one of the hardest seasons. I know (most of the time it's fun too, but hard) There are days (or months) where your
child refuses to nap, throws tantrums, hangs on your leg the ENTIRE time you
try to cook dinner, nights of very little sleep and days of potty training, and
weeks with very little adult interaction if you are a SAHM like me or weeks of
wishing you had more time with your baby if you are a working momma. (and don’t
forget each of us is judged no matter what we do, and offered advice by women
who ignored us before we were mothers or “on the same level” as some see it)
My family doesn't make it to Sunday church every
week…or even every month. In fact, this
year was so hard as you have probably read in previous posts, that we barely
went at all. We needed REST. We still stayed involved. We participated in a small group every week. I participated in MOPS and MOPS Bible Study
every week. We were and are still
committed to loving and serving God, even if that means we are doing it from
our couch more Sundays than not. Some
may disagree, but serving my family comes before serving a church. I need to make sure my family is well taken
care of, before I use the little energy I have pouring myself into different
activities outside my home.
Hear me when I say, I’m not advocating
for me to get to be lazy outside of serving my family. I don’t have a ton of wisdom to offer,
but just from my experience, I do have something to say- It is absolutely ok to be in a season where
you are served more than you are serving, you are resting more than committing,
participating instead of hosting/leading.
I am in a small group with some of the
closest friends I’ve ever had. About
once a month or so, the leaders try to come up with a service project. Some projects are just buying certain items
to donate to a certain shelter or program.
Those I can almost always participate in. However, if it involves our family getting up
and helping in a soup kitchen early on a Saturday morning, we won’t normally be
able to participate. We are not hiring a
babysitter during this season so that both of us can spend time working outside
of the home. Sometimes, one of us can
participate while the other stays with our little girl. And that is OK.
One of my favorite ways to serve in this
season that doesn’t require me to find a babysitter or a lot of extra time-
Making meals for new moms. It’s not hard
since I’m already making dinner for my own family to double a casserole recipe
or to make twice as much taco meat and buy twice as many tortillas. (or if it is a busy or difficult week, but a
new mom is still in need, just buying a frozen meal to give or even calling a
delivery place for the family) I love doing this now because I know what it's like to barely be able to keep your eyes open, much less get up and prepare an entire meal for the rest of the family.
The Lord never said we needed to try to take
care of EVERYTHING in every season. He
just said what you do, do well. “Whatever
you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men”-Colossians 3:23-
He also gently cares for us, mommas-
"He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he
will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." -Isaiah 40:11-
Right now, He is gently leading me to
realize when and where to serve and to say “no” I can’t take care of everything
right now. I can worship and
serve him well in my own home.
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