Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sharing about Mom Life

Half a year.  I CANNOT BELIEVE my baby is half a year old already.  That’s crazy.  She is seriously amazing.  So happy all the time.  It is such a joy to watch her grow.  It’s amazing that she has gone from not even holding her head up all the way to army crawling in this amount of time!

A while back when I knew children were still a few years off for the hubs and me, I made a few comments about mothers over-sharing on social media.  I was HIGHLY criticized for having an opinion on things that have to do with children before I had any of my own.  Well, I do have one of my own now.  I’ve been a momma for 6 months.  I know that’s not very long, but I’ve definitely learned a lot already.

I could tell you all about the diaper disasters I’ve experienced and the amount of laundry with it, but I won’t….because I don’t enjoy reading about your baby’s diaper disasters while I’m perusing facebook and eating lunch.
I could show you pictures of the way I feed my child, but that is personal and done out of sight.  I didn’t show off that part of my body before I was a mom, so I’m not going to start now.
I could tell you how many times what goes in my baby’s mouth comes back out, but you probably don’t want to know….I deal with it with a joyful attitude, but it’s not like it’s a pleasant thing to clean up…so why would I think ya’ll would care to read an update about it?
I could tell you what we have to deal with when she gets sick, but other than a “My baby is sick.  Please, pray for her to feel better ASAP” request, I don’t think you want to hear the specifics.
I could post naked baby pictures, but a friend told me a story about someone doing that then later finding out a member of the family viewed child porn...so pictures like that will never be posted.
I could tell you how her potty training is going about a year and a half from now, but other than “I don’t have to change her diaper anymore!!”…I’ll spare you the icky details.

I had all of these views before I became a mother.  They haven’t changed.  I value my personal and private moments being kept personal and private.  Sleep-deprivation didn’t mess up my brain so much that I have to “let it all out” in a social media setting whether you wanted to experience it with me or not.  I have all kinds of people on my social media accounts that I want to be considerate of.  Yes, there are many things you can’t understand until you are a parent, but being considerate of the different people in your audience is something ANYONE can understand.  I’m not going to make you experience certain parts of life when it’s not your time to do so and you prefer to wait until it is your time.

If you are someone who shares all the details, but prefaces it with a “WARNING- graphic post about…”  BLESS YOU.  I recently had a friend want to share about how her little girl was responding in a sweet way to a situation regarding her 2nd pregnancy, but knew it was a little graphic…and that’s how she started the post.  Great idea!  My post a while back very quickly turned from "Leslie doesn't like to hear about disgusting things, to Leslie thinks this group of people is disgusting and Leslie is not gracious, understanding, or patient."  Well, guess what?  I am a part of that group now.  I’m not a hypocrite.  I do understand mom life now.  (Side note- the main person calling me “ungracious, not understanding, and impatient” went on to block me because THAT is how to respond with grace, understanding, and patience in a disagreement, right? *sarcasm*)

LASTLY, my comment on feeding my child is how I CHOOSE to do it.  I cover up.  Like I said, I was modest before motherhood, so I continue that.  HOWEVER, if you choose a different way, you are still doing a great job taking care of your baby!  I know some moms would love to cover up, but their baby is claustrophobic and will literally try to rip the cover off.  You are a wonderful mommy for thinking of your child’s needs even if you are uncomfortable.  I’m so thankful my little one is ok being covered so that I don’t deal with that, but not everyone is in the same position.  I have my opinions.  You have yours.  But all of us mommies are just doing our very best for our children.  

This was not an attack on anyone or their character.  I have never forgotten how women who barely knew me sure tried to attack mine that day.  This post was to let you all know that I do have opinions now that I am a mother, and most have not changed since before I was one.  It’s not about not being “gracious, understanding, or patient”…it’s about considering your WHOLE audience.  Understand that I do so enjoy seeing pictures of my friend's children, watching them grow and reach milestones.  Parenthood is wonderful and should be celebrated.  I'm just not one that enjoys extreme details on any personal matter, not just parenthood.  (If I had someone sharing details about their sex life on social media, I would not feel comfortable reading personal info like that either...but that's not where the extreme sharing is taking place.)  Maybe I’m overly squeamish, but others have shared these same opinions with me.

That is all. 

Friday, July 31, 2015

I will never be silent

I haven't been able to watch the Planned Parenthood videos. I just can't. I would want to weep for days, but I can't do that...not when the best thing that's ever happened to me is sitting in my lap, smiling and giggling, only 5 months old, but already understanding that I provide for her. I protect her. I wish I could do the same for the millions of babies that get torn to pieces every year. I desperately want to save them. A baby's heartbeat begins 18 days after conception. The heart is pumping blood through a closed circulatory system by 21 days.  Brainwaves can be identified at 6 weeks.  All the structures needed to feel pain are operating properly at 9 weeks. Abortion is murder. That is fact, no matter what you believe. Oh Lord, save us from evil, from the lies Satan is allowing so many people to believe. Save these babies. Please, Lord. Hear the cries!  I'm so heartbroken.  I can barely think about it for more than a few seconds without my stomach turning into knots, but

I will never be silent for these voiceless, defenseless, innocent HUMAN BEINGS.




Wednesday, June 3, 2015

His mercies are new every morning

Well, this year has definitely had some of the best days of my life…and some of the hardest.  I love being a wife and mom.  It’s all I’ve ever wanted.  I think The Lord for these precious gifts of my husband, baby girl, and getting to stay home with her because my hubby’s job allows me to do that.  The sleepless nights are tiny hardships compared to the joys these gifts bring me.

The month of May was not my favorite.  Actually, May sucked.  Two wonderful grandfathers passed away within 3 weeks of each other.  They lived long, happy lives.  Papa was 89 and Pawpaw was 90.  They were both very loving and caring men who are deeply missed.

When I started blogging again about a year and a half ago after a 5 year break, I tried to make a list of subjects to focus on, one being “To share life and thoughts”  and another “To voice what The Lord is teaching me more often than I have the last few years.”

Well, these last few months have been teaching me to continually hold on to Jesus. 

When I have 2 funerals in less than 3 weeks, it is hard to put The Lord up front in my life, but I want to hold on to Jesus. 

When baby girl all of a sudden decides to wake up every 3 hours like she’s a newborn, it is hard to think of getting in The Word during the day, but I want to hold on to Jesus.

When my house is a wreck and I just want to organize, but I’m sleepy, the baby is demanding my every moment, I have a headache, and I need to go grocery shopping before the stormy weather starts AGAIN, I NEED JESUS.

And honestly, I haven’t been good at holding on to Him lately.  I haven’t been good at focusing on Him.  I’m tired.  I want to nap or watch tv or do something else that requires very little brain activity when I finally have “Leslie Time”.  That may be what I want, and yes sometimes I really do NEED a nap, but sometimes I’m just wanting to be selfish or lazy with my time.

Sometimes, I will find more rest in His Words than a nap can give me.  I will be more satisfied in time with my Savior than with a clean house.  And the baby demanding my attention, should see me choose Jesus, even if it means I just walk around the house with her while I sing His praises as her lullabies.

I want to hold on to Jesus more than I have lately.  Thankful that his mercies are new every morning.  June is a new month.  I pray that it is a much better month than May.


P.S.  If you have had a hard time getting in The Word and focusing on Jesus lately, click HERE for a link to a woman's blog that shares an easy 4 week Bible Study to get you focused again!  I'm doing it right now!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Mommy Confidence

I’m hoping my blog will not become ONLY about my kid, but for now, just expect it!  Sorry not sorry that she’s my favorite thing about life right now.

I've mentioned a few times in previous posts that I’m a pretty timid, shy person.  With that, I've also never been a very confident person.  (Probably one of the reasons Words of Affirmation is one of my main love languages)

The few things I have had confidence in over my lifetime-
That Jesus Christ loves and died for me…and I now live through him, my Savior.
The love of my family
The love and loyalty of my husband
AND that I was absolutely created to be a mom

Yeah, I had hope and faith that The Lord would help me be a good student.  Good teacher.  Good wife.

I’ve just always known that I could do it, and do it well.
This isn’t meant to be a brag post…it’s only through HIS grace.  And I’m posting this right after my child screamed for 3 hours straight and would only fall asleep after I put her in bed with me on TWO different nights in the last week.  I’m not saying it’s easy.  Heck, those nights were VERY difficult.  I’m just saying The Lord has granted me confidence in being a mom, and for that I am extremely grateful….because it’s what I’ve always wanted to be most in life....Mainly, because I have an awesome mom who has made life GREAT by putting us before herself.  She is one of the most selfless people in the world.

I LOVE being a mommy to my sweet girl. 
I love her snuggles, even if she chooses 2am as her favorite time to demand them! 
I love how much she smiles and “talks” to me.  It makes mornings a little easier!
I love how she tries to imitate the faces I make when I talk to her…she pretty much just sticks her tongue out constantly haha.
I love having an excuse to stay home more often (Have you heard how much of an introvert I am?)
I love it when she falls asleep in her daddy’s arms as he sweetly rocks her in the recliner while we are watching our favorite tv shows.  She still prefers me most of the time because I’m the one that can feed her lol.  So, the times when she does fall asleep with him are so precious.
I love picturing Daddy/Daughter dates that will happen in the future.
I just LOVE it.  Absolutely LOVE it.

Some of my friends have commented to me that they are scared their life will end when they become parents.  My life?  It was great before, but is even more awesome now.  If you are going to be a mom soon and aren’t so happy/excited about it, I hope this made you just a little more confident…and if you want more encouragement about becoming a great momma, just hang out with me for even a few minutes and I’ll help with that ;-)

My hubs knows how to love me well during baby girl's "cry-a-thon" nights this week-

(and baby girl)

P.S.  (especially for those with the "mommy arrogance" I wrote about in my last post)  I know my journey as a mom has only just begun…these crying and sleepless nights are only the beginning.  I said I am confident, but never said I have everything figured out.  It’s one day at a time.  I was hoping my child would begin sleeping longer hours at night instead of start screaming her head off for hours some nights for no reason I can see, when she is almost 2 months old.  No, I don’t have it all figured out, but I’m confident that The Lord will give me understanding if I ask it of Him.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lil Bit of Mama Drama

One of my biggest pet peeves-  Moms who pay no attention to other women when those women are "just" college students, "just" working women, or "just" wives.  Then, when they become mothers too and are back "on the same level" as the others, all of a sudden the mom friends, who showed no care for years, have plenty of words/ "wisdom"/ "godly" advice to offer.  If that has been you, just keep all your amazing wisdom to yourself.  I have an amazing mom, mom-in-law, and friends who have kept up with me no matter what stage of life I've been in...I'll take their advice way before yours.

I had a few different women have plenty of time to offer their advice when I had my horrible sciatic pain during the pregnancy or when I wanted to know what was best to take to the hospital, yet over a week after my beautiful baby girl is born, not one of those women has offered a word of congratulations or sweet sentiments.

No, it's not hard for me to take advice.
Yes, I am a friendly person.
Yes, I know I have a lot to learn...doesn't anybody who starts a new phase of life?
Yes, I know I'm not the wisest person, but I do have a tip-  If the only time you care to talk to certain people is to give your opinion or let your voice be heard, maybe you should examine your heart a little.  If you can't find it in you to pay attention to/invest in their joys, sorrows, LIFE unless you can impart your "godly wisdom/counsel" to them, you only make yourself look prideful and self-righteous.  Do you think someone cares what you have to say...if that's the only time you speak to them?
No, I'm not trying to seek attention...just voicing how ridiculous I think this type of "mommy arrogance" is...

If you've ignored me until now, do you really think I'm going to let you be much a part of my child's life?

(and baby girl)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The last 8 months...

As I am about to start the last month of my pregnancy before we meet our baby girl, I have been reflecting on the last 8 months…

I will never plan a road trip in the mountains during the first trimester of a pregnancy again.

I will always have protein in my belly before I take those ridiculously huge prenatal vitamins every day…and keep peanut butter by my bed in case I need a little extra to get to sleep or to get out of bed without feeling nauseous (both have happened). 

Most preggos talk about the cute little baby hiccups they feel, instead I was the one with hiccups at least every other day during some of my 2nd trimester.  Up until around 7 months, I only felt baby hiccups once.  Then, she started getting them in the middle of the night after I woke up to use the restroom lol

Also, most preggos talk about the crazy dreams they have.  The only weird dream I had was before we found out baby is a girl…I was going around to everyone insisting that we name him Tyson (not even one of the names on our list).  However, the Hubs had some crazy dreams for me…usually involving guns haha!

If I ever want to feel her kick, all I have to do is drink sweet tea from Chickfila.  She gets real excited/hyper…of course, my child would love Chickfila ;-)

Also, of course, our first child would be due on Texas Independence Day ;-)

I miss alcohol and sushi more than I thought I would.... And I don't even drink that much when I'm not pregnant, but a glass of wine or a cool drink when we were in Hawaii was definitely missed!

That moment Hubs heard her heartbeat and saw her moving on the ultrasound for the first time…you could just see in his eyes how REAL it finally was.  Also, the same date he started writing his speech for all the boys that will one day be interested in his little girl…

Last month, Hubs was reading us a Christmas devotional when baby girl started kicking like crazy. It was so cute....it was as if she was excited to recognize her daddy's voice and wanted to praise Jesus with us!  Already a DADDY'S GIRL!

It is fun to get her to react to a flashlight in a dark room (around 27 weeks babies can start telling whether it is light or dark outside of the womb) and have her kick my stomach so hard that she looks like an alien…Hubby’s reaction- wide-eyed “Whoooa!”

I never knew you could worry so much about someone you haven’t even met yet.

Cats get even weirder when your body is carrying another human being.  Dogs get more protective.

Sorry if this is awkward, but it’s still funny…First, know that I have never wanted one anyway, but after pregnancy I know I absolutely, positively NEVER want a boob job.  SO. HEAVY.  Ohmygosh.  Haha.

I cannot multitask when I’m pregnant, especially if one of those tasks is me talking to someone.  Probably the most embarrassing “pregnancy brain” moment I had was while talking to my mom on the phone, I was also looking at a high school buddy’s facebook page when I realized that I couldn’t see anything on his page, except his profile picture and a “happy birthday” comment from me months earlier.  I immediately sent him a “what the crap?!” message asking why he had deleted me!!  He had no idea what I was talking about, and had had some family drama so decided to hide most of his facebook announcements just so nosey people didn’t always know exactly what he was up to…this is the same friend who bought us a random Christmas gift a few months later I had registered for for baby girl….I have really sweet friends lol.

And last, I’m still completely blown away by the love and support from so many friends and family.  Whether you gave me maternity clothes so that I didn’t have to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe, sent random gifts, came to one of my showers, or just told me I was cute when I feel like a HIPPOPOTAMUS, thank you so very much.  I can’t wait for you all to meet my precious little one.


Leslie (and baby girl)