Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rest. Refresh. Balance. FLOURISH.

During a MOPS meeting at the beginning of last semester, the topic was “Embracing Rest”.  Our lovely speaker had us write on a random piece of paper a list of things that make us feel refreshed.

Here are some on my list-
Nap with baby girl when she naps…the dishes can wait.
Going for a walk on the walking trail in our subdivision.
Taking photos
Chickfila Dates
Organizing (when I have someone else watching baby girl…this is NOT restful/refreshing when she is in the same room haha)

And we are supposed to keep that and add to the list.  I’ve already added-
Making time for my business adventures
Long showers/baths

2015 was a wonderfully crazy, busy year having a new baby, starting a business, getting little rest and sleep.  I know the years are going to bring much more of that too.  But I decided to take control of “Leslie Time” this month.  I love, LOVE being a SAHM (stay at home Mom)  I wouldn’t want it any other way!  However, my sweet girl has not napped well since she first starting teething about 4 months ago.  She still sleeps through the night 10-12 hours, but unless she is in the car or in my arms, naps rarely last even half an hour 1 or 2 times a day.  Plus, first year trying to build up her immune system and sticking everything in her mouth at the same time meant colds every couple of weeks since the beginning of fall.  Most days, I don’t mind the extra snuggles.  They are SO very sweet.  However, sometimes I just need “Leslie time”.  Part of that is being introverted, part of it is just needing balance.

Our house had begun to look like a tornado went through it on a daily basis because I couldn’t work on chores until she went to bed for the night.  And that time after she goes to bed is precious hubby quality time I don't want to give up either! Now, I’m not a neat-freak and I know my house will never be as it once was, with all the extra toys diapers, wipes, blankies, etc. but it was just getting ridiculous and down-right depressing me.  I didn’t want guests EVER.

I haven’t been able to make lunch dates or any kind of friend dates that weren’t scheduled (like small group, MOPS, etc.) or right after those scheduled events.  I am seriously missing some of my friend dates, and never wanted to push those friendships aside when I became a momma.

So, Hubs and I decided to work on our budget and put baby girl in a Mother’s Day Out program once a week.  She started last Wednesday at our church.  She is familiar with her caregivers AND I trust them.  Plus, I was able to get a massage and come back to start deep cleaning my house while she was gone.  Now, I am writing this blog and continuing to really clean/organize the house.  BALANCE.  I’m getting a few hours once a week for ME.  It’s not for selfish reasons.  It’s for balance.  Refreshment.  Rest.  I’m EMBRACING this short time without my girl to be restful and productive at the same time.

2016 words of the year for Leslie= BALANCE. REST. REFRESH.

Basically, to FLOURISH.

Friend, what is YOUR 2016 going to be about?
