Thursday, March 6, 2014

Introverts are valuable too

**This post may seem a little self-centered, but I’m really trying to inform some of you.

So, this little picture thing has been posted on Pinterest and Facebook quite a few times in the last few months.

I am an introvert.  However, I’ve read introverts don’t like being considered shy.  Well, I’m a shy introvert.  Does that mean I hate people and being around them? No.  I just don’t like every kind of interaction that extroverts like, and being social for too long at one time can leave me exhausted.  Don’t take it personally.

#2, #4, #5, #9, and #12 are the most important to me.

Just fyi, if you do this to me, I pretty much avoid hanging out with you and doing anything competitive with you.  This has happened to me quite a few times to the point that, I really don’t enjoy/avoid game nights I’m invited to.  When I was growing up, I had a friend several years older than me who, still to this day, is one of the most competitive people I’ve known.  She would play “spoons” with me and another person.  I was shy and also physically slow because of the mild cerebral palsy on the right side of my body.  I had a hard enough time just holding several cards in my right hand (the one affected by cerebral palsy) much less switching cards out and grabbing the spoon.  I would try to focus so hard on the cards.  Well, she and the other person would be as quiet as possible taking the spoons when someone had their 4 of a kind, and just keep handing me (unaware that someone had won) cards until I noticed, just to get a good laugh.  Yeah, she’s probably one of the main reasons I've never really enjoyed game nights...

Introverts usually have a hundred scenarios going through our head.  Give us some time to analyze and PICK ONE of those hundreds.  K, thanks.

Can’t tell you how many times I finally had the courage to speak up and share a story, opinion, etc. only to be interrupted in the middle of it.  And the interrupter usually never hears the rest of what I was saying….and most of the time doesn’t even notice.  And I bet they even thought I just didn‘t have anything to contribute to the conversation…

Yes.  I don’t even like having a conversation with more than a few people at a time, when I KNOW what I‘m talking about.  Do you think I want a bunch of random people watching me do something I’ve NEVER DONE before?  It feels like having an interview or evaluation for a job. 

Recently, I was talking to a friend (also an introvert) and she said something about how society really likes to reward extroverts.  It’s true.  Please, realize that introverts are valuable too.  If I speak up and tell a story/opinion of mine, it usually took a lot of courage and I must think my words are somewhat meaningful to speak up AND trust you enough to let you hear them.  Maybe I don’t want to participate in a game night because I’ve been embarrassed in public one too many times lately.  Maybe I don’t feel like opening up to you because you’ve interrupted me or demanded instant answers when I have conversations with you.  Maybe I don’t want to go out tonight because I know you’ll try to make me act like an extrovert.  I’m not.  I like who I am.  Accept me or just let me be.

I’m tired of people seeing me as awkward, rude, stuck up, etc. because I don’t want to participate in EVERYTHING thrown at me.  Let me observe, think, listen, take it all in.  I’ve always been loyal to my friends.  I really do love people.  Introverts are loyal people.  We’re the ones with a shoulder to cry on when you just need someone PRESENT, the ones you can vent to without getting an unwanted opinion or advice because we’re pretty good at just sitting and listening…Don’t take my silence as an insult.  It’s not!  Introverts are valuable too.

These are just some thoughts from a shy introvert.  Psalm 139:14


  1. From one Introvert to another..."You tell 'em Leslie!"

  2. Yay! Thanks, friend! I just had to let people know what's really going on with me and other introverts!
