Friday, August 28, 2009

Summer is over...on to new adventures!

Things that have made my summer happy!
Family time
Mamma cooked meals :-]
Geocaching with Katie Smiff and her Jared
Meeting Becca Minatra for dinner and a lovely chat in the SeaTac airport
Having an absolutely wonderful week in WA with Go-gess Amanda, Chris, Lizzie and Janese, celebrating Lizzie’s 1st birthday!
Friends from Oregon and other parts of WA coming to visit me too while I was there!
Painting my nails
Going to a 3D movie for the first time in years!
Being artsy with scrapbook paper
Being a Kamp Kingsland Kounselor
A few beach trips
Kingsland Baptist AND Ecclesia
My beloved Chickfila and old co-workers
Random night time adventures
Dinners with my brotha Jeremy
Sherman wedding, McDonald wedding, and 2 Fontenot weddings!
Reading My Utmost For His Highest
Lasik and Dr. Doe
Getting to hang out with Mr. Bill a few times :-)
Trips to Longview to visit frIENDS (spelled that way on purpose, to emphasize how I say it :-])
My good friend DJ writing music to go with some lyrics I wrote!
New phone
Watching seasons of Veronica Mars with mom!
Watching seasons of Boy Meets World
Dinner with my brother and sister-in-law
Dallas trips and finding a new home there (Well, in Lewisville)
One of the last celebrations before moving to Lewisville being Emily’s birthday celebration!

And! Summer quotes! For some reason, it was a summer of GIRL quotes!

Me and Eminy: Don’t talk about women that way! ;-)

Amanda W.: I’m all for car flirting…but put the zukenie away!

Me: Speed up your pee process!

Eminy: Victory is mine!

Me (Right after the car was turned on and Nickleback was on the radio): Nickleback is way overplayed…
(Erik changes the channel and it’s the SAME song by Nickleback again!)

Christi (talking about a certain actor): He’s so fine! He’s like a Greek god!
Me: He’s Jewish.
Christi: Oh, then he’s like a Jewish god!
Me: That would be Jesus….

Eminy: Are you still looking into doing that baby coaching thing?
Christa Sherman: (With a face that shows she is SO lost, but really, really wants to understand lol) …..Baby…coaching….
Later when Emily and I were talking about how funny this was…
Emily: Now, every time I think of baby coaching I think of baby gymnasts or something…

Bekah Brown: Oh, sorry….Let me show you how my hips work, sir…

Bekah Brown: Tequila makes me MAD. Seriously, I get so mad at the world!

Eminy: (To Amanda) When you look at just your eyes everything looks alright. But when you look at your whole face, you think SOMETHING’S WRONG.

Eminy: So, the computer has babies and AIDS…?
Amanda W.: See, it has a VIRUS!
(paraphrased, couldn't remember exactly haha)

Me: (To Rebekah, my sister-in-law, talking about Hey, did ya like the babies I made you for your anniversary?!….Um…hahaha…

Amanda W.: Yeah…when you have bourbon next to your bed, I don’t think people are REALLY gonna believe “I’m making a pie in my room on my bed”.

Love you, friends!

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